
1. Summary
TrustVisor is tiny hypervisor for isolation of code PAL.
It supports unmodified legacy OSes and their applications.
This system enforces code and excution integrity, and data secrecy and integrity for PALs.
It can protect sensitive code at a very fine granularity.
But, It is a Prototype-level and It is AMD-only.

2. Related work Summary
TrustVisor adopted Seshadri’s work(SecVisor).
It is a small hypervisor that protects kernel code integrity.
But, SecVisor cannot protect against many classes of existing vulnerabilities in the protected kernel.

3. The Good
Performance is better than Flicker which is author’s previous work.
In Micro-TPM design, Reduces latency by orders of magnitude.

4. The Bad
Does not currently provide trusted path to user
Requires application awareness
Executable code for PAL must be proactively paged into memory before registration.
Prototype is AMD-only


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