
봇넷 만들기.

Build a botnet
Overall architecture
    P2P style botnet (hybrid-style)
        Each bot can be a client or a server
        create 37 different processes (each process will be a bot)
        there are 4 super bots, and they will handle 8 child bots
        one bot-master
        1 bot-master, 4 super bots, 32 child bots = 37 processes
    all are TCP channels
    You can use any random network ports
    each super bot should connect to a bot-master
    each super bot should connect to a neighbour super-bot
    each super bot should connect to child bots

more requirements
    each child bot and each super bot has its own unique ID
    need to support the following functions (should implemented in each child bot)
        read: system date, host name
        create: create a specified file (e.g., create“test.txt”)
        send: send # of dummy packets packet to a specific IP address and a port
            e.g., send 10 80

    command delivery
        a bot-master will send a command to any super-bot in a network, and the super-        bot received the command from a botmaster will deliver to their child bots

        each child bot should report their ID to super bot
        super bot needs to report collected IDs to a bot-mater
        a bot-master can find a specific child bot with its ID
        a bot-master can execute some functions with a set of child bots

Operations in detail
    boot up
        1 bot-master process
        14 super bot processes
        32 child bot processes
        child should connect to its super node (you can define as you want)
        super node connects to a bot-master and reports node information
        report {super bot ID}:[child bot 1 ID, child bot 2 ID, ….]
        a bot-master searches specific child bot with its ID to know whether it s alive  or not
    search child bot ID
        (return message) alive with super bot ID or none with super bot ID
        a bot-master executes specific functions with some child bots
        action read -date child bot ID1, child bot ID2
        (return message) system date of two bot hosts

    check whether 37 processes are running
    check whether a bot-master can collect all ID information of child bots
    check whether a bot-master can search a specific ID of a child bot
    in this case, a bot-master is able to ask any of super bots
    a super bot needs to relay the search request if it does not manage a child bot     having the queried ID check whether a bot-master can execute each action

send is special… a set of bots (e.g., 10 child bots)  the  determined packets to a target at the same time


The purpose of this notice is to describe detail interface when we are under the test your Botnet.

1. Interface
You don`t need to make a interface (user interface), when a process running as spuer-bot or child bot.

However, as you know, bot-master MUST provide proper interface described below.

1) Show bot hieracy
2) Read
3) Create
4) Send packet
5) Search
Bot-master(Prompt)# 1
       Supoer Bot #10 : [ Child Bot #4 : Child Bot #2 : ,...]
       Supoer Bot #30 : [ Child Bot #1 : Child Bot #5 : ,...]

Bot-master(Prompt)# 2 [1:4, 3:1] host
       Child Bot 10:4 -> rwin MacBook-Pro.local 14.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.3.0: Mon Mar 23 11:59:05 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.20.48~5/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 i386 MacBookPro11,3 Darwin
       Child Bot 10:4 -> rwin MacBook-Pro.local 14.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.3.0: Mon Mar 23 11:59:05 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.20.48~5/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 i386 MacBookPro11,3 Darwin

Bot-master(Prompt)# 2 [1:4] date
       Child Bot 10:4 -> Wed Apr 29 09:02:37 KST 2015

Bot-master(Prompt)# 3 [10:2, 30:5] /home/tt/test.txt
       Child Bot 10:2 -> Create file
       Child Bot 30:5 -> File is existed, append data
(Cf, when a child bot make a file, it just write their unique ID. In this case, for example, contents of "test.txt" contains 
Child Bot 10:2
Child Bot 30:5 )

Bot-master(Prompt)# 4 100 80
(Cf, the total number of sent packet to the destination ( is 100. We don`t care about which a child bot sends how many packets. We just check the total number of sent packets)

Bot-master(Prompt)# 5 [5, 2, 4]
       Child Bot 30:5 -> Alived
       Child Bot 10:2 -> Alived
       Child Bot 30:4 -> Not respond
(Cf, We will check this functon through killing a specific process in your Botnet. Please carefully considering the case of killed Super-bot. If the Supoer-bot is killded, child bots connected with killed super-bot will be dis-connected)

2. ETC
Whenever the condition of botnet is changed, bot-master can see what happended.
The asynchronous events are
Added child-bot
       Child Bot # is now connected with Super-bot #.  
Removed child-bot
       Child Bot # is now dis-connected with Super-bot #.
Added Super-bot
       Super-bot # is connected.
Removed Super-bot
       Super-bot # is dis-connected and child bots connected with Super-bot are dis-disconnected


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