정보보안/커널 보안

Iago Attack Summary

피치 크러쉬 2015. 10. 15. 22:07

1. Summary
Iago Attacks in which a malicious kernel induces a protected process to act against its interests by manipulating system call return values.
Author has defined a threat model for Iago attacks, implemented a platform for experimenting with Iago attacks.
And use this platform to demonstrate Iago attacks against Linux App which uses malloc().
This paper said that Iago attacks are evidence that protecting applications from malicious kernel is more difficult than previously realized.
And It give a message to us that Malicious kernels can take control of protected applications.

2. Related work Summary
This paper is influenced by Chen’s previous work, Overshadow.
Authors describe attacks that a malicious kernel can mount in system.

3. The Good
Realize of attacks.
Concrete example for malloc was provided for compromising OpenSSL

4. The Bad
if there is a parament verification or verification of address space invariants mechanism by hypervisor, Attack is impossible.

5. Your Comment
To. Author :
Are there system call values that can only be provisionally verified and must be checked for consistency with subsequent return values?
Why you said “Under standing the situation in which verifying return values is easier than computing them“?
